Understanding how Auto Park parking brake-shoes are adjusted

Understanding how Auto Park parking brake-shoes are adjusted

In the following PDF we will try to help the coach owner understand that your AutoPark parking brake adjuster and star-wheel CANNOT be accessed thru a port in the backing plate like the old family car used to be configured.  The port is in the revolving brake drum itself – – Accordingly, the drum must be oriented such that the port is positioned right over the star wheel – – Approximately the 12 o’clock position.
Click on image to enlarge

Auto Park parking brake adjuster and star wheel CANNOT be accessed thru a port in the backing plate like the old family car used to be configured







Here is a picture of a typical AutoPark parking brake drum removed showing 2 access ports for adjusting the brake shoes.
Click on image to enlarge

Typical Auto Park parking brake drum removed showing 2 access ports for adjusting the brake shoes







Download how Auto Park parking brake-shoes are adjusted here

Comments and questions are always welcome, oldusedbear

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