Is the J71 AutoPark parking brake system a nightmare for you? – It doesn’t have to be and we can help.

We can lead you thru the process of changing the autopark parking brake system from a nightmare to just one of the things you do to take care of your coach.  The basic reason it HAS been a nightmare is that AutoPark has been horribly neglected interims of product support.  GM, Chevy, and Workhorse have collectively fallen down on the job when it comes to providing parts and information to BOTH the dealerships and the customers.  As a result, they have fostered a system that throws parts at problems, charges huge amounts of money for poor service, and essentially leaves you (the owner), not knowing what to expect next and how to deal with it.

Interestingly, actuator repair turns out to be one of the very few things that an owner might need some outside help to accomplish. Even then, most of the repair process IS something you can participate in – – saving about 90 percent of the average costs for this work.

About 95 percent of all autopark repairs are things that most any decent shadetree DIY mechanic can do for himself.  That probably is NOT true for automatic transmissions, injection systems, onboard computers, or many other components that we have learned to live with, and accept as just part of owning a vehicle.

So over the years, we’ve sort of continuously revised our attitude about autopark.  What it boils down to is this:

Almost any coach owner can diagnose and fix most autopark parkng brake issues.  You need to carry a few (not readily available) spares, a few common tools, and the necessary information.   We also suggest that ANY owner of the J71 autopark system, build and install their own Genie Lamp system.  This is again something well within the capabilities of most coach owners, and it will tell you (real time and going down the road) just what your autopark system is doing – – VERY INEXPENSIVELY.  Armed with this information, your spares, and a bit of help, you can fix yourself right out of nearly any autopark issue.  If for some reason you are limited in what you can do yourself, any willing helper can usually do it for you – – NO ROCKET SCIENCE INVOLVED.

Soooo – – Let us help you get rid of the nightmare and anxiety of living with AutoPark.  Once you really understand how it works, your apprehension will become a fraction of what it now is.

Any J71 AutoPark question can be directed to us – – oldusedbear


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