AutoPark parking brake system actuator repair and system flushing

AutoPark parking brake system actuator repair and system flushing

If you have had a leaking actuator and have had us (or someone else) repair it, there is a very high probability that the system has a bunch of contamination and crud in it.  As such, we seriously recommend that you flush the old ATF out of the system and replace it with new, fresh fluid.  The manuals suggest using Dexron III ATF.

Here is our suggestion on how to do this job:

  1. Remove the high pressure hose where it attaches to the back of the actuator cylinder – –
  2. Use something like a clear, one quart soda pop bottle to catch the flushed fluid – –
  3. Tape, wire, or somehow capture the hose into the bottle opening and secure the bottle so it will stay in place.  You could just get a friend to help you and have one person hold the bottle so the hose stays in it and captures the old used ATF.
  4. Turn on the ignition, but don’t start the engine.
  5. Pull the gear shift lever out of PARK.  This should start the AutoPark pump motor running and it will quickly blow all the old ATF into your pop bottle.
  6. Refill the AutoPark reservoir with fresh ATF and do it again.  One flush should clean most systems, but if you see a lot of residue in the reservoir, you should repeat the process till everything looks clean.
  7. Hook your high pressure hose back up to the back of the actuator, refill the reservoir again, and you should be good to go.

Questions and comments are always welcome, oldusedbear

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