Identifying which AutoPark parking brake system version you have

Identifying which AutoPark parking brake system version you have

The first thing we need to deal with is to find out which version of AutoPark parking brake you have. This is because 94 is one of the transition years. Basically, the earlier ones have the AutoPark running off of the power steering, but the later ones have their own dedicated pump and reservoir.

If you have the earlier version, it will look like this picture below when you examine the area up around where the steering column goes thru the floorboard. The shiny valve assemblies, and tubing are a sure sign of the power steering version.

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Identifying which AutoPark parking brake system version you have

If you have the later version, the above valves will be missing. Instead, you will have an AutoPark goody box which houses the pump, reservoir, actuator and some other components. It will be located up against the right hand frame rail, just aft of the transmission. The sure fire clue will be the cutout on the box that shows the reservoir. It looks like this:

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Identifying which AutoPark parking brake system version you have#2

If you see this reservoir, then you definitely have the later version which runs off of its own electric pump.

So take a look under your coach, and see which system you have. Comments and questions are always welcome.

Download PDF how to Identify which AutoPark parking brake system version you have here

Questions and comments are always welcome, oldusedbear

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