How to troubleshoot and identify AutoPark parking brake ver I actuator?

Troubleshoot and identify AutoPark  parking brake ver l actuator           

The AutoPark parking brake systems have incorporated two different actuators over the years.  From about 1989 to mid 1994, the actuator was a pretty good sized mechanism.  Here’s a picture:

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From about 1989 to mid 1994, the AutoPark ver I parking brake actuator was a pretty good sized mechanism | Parking brake drum and the driveshaft seen on the left








This is a view from the rear of the actuator.  That is the AutoPark parking brake drum and the driveshaft that you see on the left side of the picture.

From about mid 94 until 2007, a different actuator is used.  It operates at about 1600 psi instead of the nominal 150 psi in the older actuators.  Here is a picture of the newer version:

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From about mid 94 until 2007, a different AutoPark actuator is used, ver II. It operates at about 1600 psi instead of the nominal 150 psi in the older actuators









It is a rare occasion when either of these two Auto Park brake actuators needs to be totally replaced.  But, both are subject to failure due to leaking seals.

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