AutoPark actuator Haldex source for Chevy Workhorse coach

AutoPark actuator Haldex source for Chevy Workhouse coach

One of our users reported on July 26, 2007 news! He received an actuator today in the mail from a Chevy Workhorse dealer.  The price was $419.00 plus shipping from a Workhorse dealer in Alabama. Can you imagine what the cost might be  in 2023? –  The phone # is  205-591-2266 and ask for Buddy, if he’s still there.

They were very good to deal with and he would like to get into helping people on the internet—but confessed he is not very good with computers. The part was just the same as the one that come out of the RV. I had my mechanic install it and adjust the brake on the drive shaft and it works perfect.

Questions and comments are always welcome, oldusedbear

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